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Why Hire Web Developers in India from Internshala?

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Hire Dedicated Web Developers

Hire a Web Developer

According to a study, 175 websites are created every minute globally, taking the total number to 252,000 in a day. A majority of these are active websites that require regular updates. Web developers are responsible for maintaining these sites to ensure they operate properly and at their full capacity.

5 Must-Have Technical Skills to Look for in a Web Developer

Web development is the process of writing and testing codes to create web applications, troubleshoot issues, and update websites. To perform these duties effectively, web developers must possess the following technical skills: 

  1. HTML/CSS: To create personalized websites with advanced features, the web developer you hire should be proficient in the foundational languages of creating websites, i.e., HTML and CSS.
  2. JavaScript: JavaScript is essential to create interactive and navigable websites for both client and server sides. Hire a website developer who is well-versed in this scripting language. 
  3. Back-End Development: A web developer must be proficient in back-end development programming languages such as Python, Java, .NET, SQL, and R to enhance the functionality of the websites. 
  4. Testing and Debugging: Hire a professional who knows how to conduct regular testing and error-fixing to improve the website's efficiency. This will save your website from future crashes or security threats.
  5. Web Hosting: This is the process of storing website resources on a server and accessing them through the Internet. The web developer you hire must know how to host your website on the web so that it is functional and available to the users. 

Top 4 Soft Skills That a Web Developer Must Possess

Along with technical skills, the soft skills of potential employees are vital for maintaining harmony, ensuring smooth collaboration, and promoting growth in the team. Some of the soft skills to look for in a web developer are as follows: 

  1. Creativity: Hire a web developer who can ideate, design, and create a unique visually appealing website for each client to help promote a brand’s identity. 
  2. Problem-Solving: The web developer you work with must be an excellent problem-solver. Developing a website also involves identifying the errors in the design and providing solutions accordingly. 
  3. Teamwork: Web developers work in a team and collaborate with each other to produce high-quality results. This is why it is crucial to hire an employee who can fit into the team and increase productivity. 
  4. Time Management: Working as a web developer involves managing multiple tasks on tight deadlines. This can make timely completion of projects without burnout among the team members an issue. Hiring developers with good time management skills can make it easier to complete projects on time and maintain a motivated team.

Common Challenges While Hiring a Web Developer [with Solutions]

Hiring new employees comes with its challenges. There are certain roadblocks that you may have to navigate when hiring a website developer. Let us discuss some of these challenges and how you can easily overcome them to find the perfect candidate.

  1. Identifying the Right Candidate: With several web developers emerging every year, onboarding the right employee is not easy. 
    • Solution: Filter the applications received based on your requirements. Think about the ideal amount of experience a candidate should have and the skills that are crucial for the role before making a decision. 
  2. Hiring Costs: Specialized professionals, such as back-end developers or testing experts, may be expensive to hire. This is because of the extensive training that these professionals go through over the years.
    • Solution: Negotiate with the candidates and see if they can come to terms with a salary acceptable for both of you. Hire remote web developers or freelance web developers if you can not onboard a full-time employee.
  3. Non-Uniformity in Certifications: While hiring international employees has several benefits, a challenge employers face is the non-uniformity in certification. Every country has different education and evaluation standards, making it difficult to decide on a common educational qualification. 
    • Solution: Give equal weightage to hands-on skills and degree certifications in the selection criteria. Also, conduct a mandatory skill evaluation test or assignment. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Hire Web Developers

There are thousands of job portals for employers, but Internshala is one of the best platforms to find a web developer for your organization. From easy registration to an advanced application tracking system, we provide all the necessary features to facilitate your hiring journey.

You can hire a web developer in India with the following steps:

Step 1: Register on the ‘Hire Talent’ portal.
Step 2: Mention your requirements for the web developers. 
Step 3: Shortlist potential developers with Internshala's ATS with advanced filters.
Step 4: Connect with shortlisted candidates instantly with Internshala’s in-build chatbox and schedule an interview. 
Step 5: Offer contracts to selected candidates and onboard them through virtual communication tools. 

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